We take pride in our team of experienced and passionate tutors who are committed to guiding and supporting our students on their educational journey. Our tutors bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and dedication to each interaction, creating a nurturing and enriching learning environment for all learners. Get to know our tutors:
Sheikh Hesham
Graduate of the College of Languages and Islamic Translation, Department of Islamic studies in English, Al-Azhar University.
I memorized the Holy Qur’an by heart when I was 12 years old with a deep understanding and application of the rules of intonation.
I am passionate about teaching the Quran and Tajweed to non-Arabic speakers. I studied Islamic sciences such as jurisprudence, hadith, interpretation, belief and other branches of Islamic knowledge.
-An experienced and qualified Quran , Tajweed , Arabic and Islamic studies tutor for kids and adults.
-5 years experience in teaching non-Arabs.
Mohammed Saleh
Mohammed Saleh , Graduated and works as a demonstrator at faculty of science .
-He studied a lot of books related to Tajweed , Arabic and Islamic studies .
-He taught many students of different countries like the US and the UK ets..
-an experienced teacher of the Quran, Tajweed, Arabic and Islamic studies for non-Arabs .
-He is too patient and kind with kids .
Sheikh Hesham Zaghloul
Studied all rules of tajweed in Arabic and English and applied them to all of the Qura’n. Studied a lot of materials related to Islamic studies, have experience in teaching Qura’n and tajweed to non Arabs speakers. In addition to teaching Tafseer, Fiqh, Seerah, and make the class active by giving the student the English meaning of every word in the Quran. And he always prefers to be a friend to all his students, not only a teacher. He has taught a lot of students around the world from USA, UK, Australia, Pakistan, Sweden and etc…
Ma sha Allah he has unique methods in teaching especially with children.
“Are you looking for the best? The best in everything? We have the best teachers and mentors to produce the brightest generations.”